We guarantee the best rate on our website. If you find a better rate, contact our reservation center at +57 (601) 5875220 and we will match the price!
CHANGES OR CANCELLATIONS: To change or cancel the reservation, it must be informed in writing by email and at least 48 hours in advance. In case of cancellation outside the time limit, this is less than the established 48 hours, a charge will be made for the equivalent of a single night's accommodation. Returns will be made directly by transfer to the checking or savings account of the person who made the reservation and sent the deposit. Returns requests must be made in writing, by email, which will be accompanied by a photocopy of the identity card of the person who made the reservation and / or deposit.
The Hotel Termales El Otoño guarantees compliance with law 1336 scene (commercial sexual exploitation of boys, girls) that expressly prohibits exploitation and sexual violence. Also in compliance with Law 17 of 1981 in art. No 1 in which it prohibits the trade of endangered species of wild fauna and flora. We also expressly comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decree number 4000 of 2004 11/30/2004 by which provisions are issued on the control of foreigners and other provisions on migration and law 1581 of 2012 or Habeas Data in compliance with statutory law 1581 of 2012 by which general provisions are issued for the protection of personal data.
The rates provided on the website are valid only on the day of their quotation, they may change without prior notice according to the conditions according to the season or externalities. The rooms are subject to availability until confirmed, it can only be confirmed and guaranteed by giving prior notice to the following email addresses info@termaleselotono.com. Sometimes it is necessary to verify availability directly with the provider before being able to confirm a service, we ask a maximum of 24 hours to send you the confirmation, it is important to mention that no charge is made to your card until this availability is assured. At the time of booking, you do not authorize in writing and / or verbally to use your credit card number or the chosen means to make your payment and expressly confirm that you know and accept our reservation, payment, disclaimer and cancellation policies. To make changes, you must contact the reservations department of the Hotel Termales El Autumn directly 57 (6) 874 0280 - Ext. 257, 125 or 232.
At the time of your reservation, we accept all credit / debit cards. You can also pay through a transfer or bank deposit which will be provided by our staff of advisors at the time of booking completion. For more information you can contact the telephone line +57 (6) 8740280 EXT 257, 125 or 232. To make effective the tourist services provided by the Hotel Termales El Autumn must be confirmed with 50%, 70% or 100% according to is the season to guarantee the effectiveness of the reservation according to the payment deadline stipulated in the reservation confirmation previously sent to your email. Bank consignments are only valid in documents issued by banks and only by this means can the validity of the reservation be guaranteed.
This is an adhesion contract, and contains the rights and obligations of both the Hotel Termales El Aceite SCA and
those of El Huésped, taking into account the provisions of articles 1192 et seq. of the Commercial Code, the
provisions of the Law 300 of 1996 and other regulations that add, complement, modify, repeal or replace it. Therefore,
the parties adhere to its terms, which are set forth in the following clauses:
First clause - object. By virtue of this, the company Hotel Termales El Abierto SCA, identified with Nit. No.
810.006.693 – 1 and legally represented by María Antonia Cetina Torres, of legal age and identified with CC No.
24.076.808 – or whoever takes her place – and who for the purposes of this is called The Hotel, will provide you
with accommodation to the Guest in the room and its accessories, in exchange for a price, for the number of days
indicated on the Hotel Registration card.
First paragraph. On the corresponding hotel registration card, the Hotel will fill out the details of each Guest.
Second paragraph. The accommodation, under no circumstances, will be for a term greater than thirty (30)
consecutive days.
Fourth paragraph. The entry or check-in time is from 03:00 pm on the day of arrival, and the departure or check-out
time is until 11:00 a.m. on the day of departure.
Fifth paragraph. The total price of the reserved accommodation will be charged regardless of the time that the guest
actually stays at the Hotel. In this sense, partial use causes full payment of the full rate.
First clause - object. By virtue of this, the company Hotel Termales El Abierto SCA, identified with Nit. No.
810.006.693 – 1 and legally represented by María Antonia Cetina Torres, of legal age and identified with CC No.
24.076.808 – or whoever takes her place – and who for the purposes of this is called The Hotel, will provide you
with accommodation to the Guest in the room and its accessories, in exchange for a price, for the number of days
indicated on the Hotel Registration card.
Third paragraph. The Hotel may make room changes if the Guest accepts it and it is accommodation of equal or
better conditions, or in the event of an unforeseeable and irresistible situation (force majeure and/or fortuitous event).
This is an adhesion contract, and contains the rights and obligations of both the Hotel Termales El Aceite SCA and
those of El Huésped, taking into account the provisions of articles 1192 et seq. of the Commercial Code, the
provisions of the Law 300 of 1996 and other regulations that add, complement, modify, repeal or replace it. Therefore,
the parties adhere to its terms, which are set forth in the following clauses:
Sixth paragraph. The provision of the services object of the present and those complementary, will be subject to the
availability, schedules, shifts and/or physical existence of the supplies, goods, facilities or spaces for these.
Second clause – legal nature. In accordance with article 79 of Law 300 of 1996 or other regulations that add,
modify or replace it, the lodging contract is a commercial and adhesive type lease contract.
First paragraph. This contract is proven by the hotel registration card that the Hotel issues and that, with the Guest
's signature, the Guest accepts the contemplated stipulations.
Second paragraph. The Hotel combats and rejects any form, method or procedure that implies or leads to sexual
and/or pornographic exploitation; and if you become aware of the mere intention to carry out such activities within
the Hotel facilities, you will proceed to inform the competent authorities.
Third paragraph. Charges for smoking in the rooms (Cigarettes, psychoactive substances, electronic cigarettes or
vaping devices). Being consistent with the care of the environment and health, the rooms and, in general, all areas
of the Hotel are smoke-free. Smoking in the room or anywhere else
Early check-in or check-out after the indicated time will be subject to availability, and the Guest must pay an
additional fee for said service.
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First paragraph. The Guest must also pay all charges for food, drinks, laundry and, in general, for all those additional
services to the accommodation that are provided and are not included in the rate offered.
Second paragraph. The Guest declares that he or she has been informed of the rates, fees and, in general, the
prices corresponding to the rooms and related services, per night; and that he accepts them consciously and
Fourth paragraph. Express authorization for non-face-to-face positions. The Hotel may make non-face-to-face
charges to guests who leave a credit card as a guarantee for check-in, in cases where it is evident that the Guest
left the Hotel without paying any invoice for any service provided or product sold, and /or in cases where the Guest
has left without checking out.
Sixth paragraph. The Guest knows that the accommodation rate must be prepaid and additional consumption
guaranteed by credit card or deposit. If the guarantee is a credit card, the Guest authorizes the processing of the
voucher and its presentation to the respective banking entity.
Third clause - price. The price corresponds to the fee per night that the Guest is obliged to pay and which amounts
to the sum indicated on the hotel registration card and that corresponds to the reservation made, all of which will be
described in the corresponding invoice, unless The reservation has been made and paid through a travel agency or
any other intermediary, in which case the rate will be the one agreed directly with the agency, which may be
confidential and not communicable to the Guest.
Third paragraph. Failure to make the agreed payment will generate late payment interest at the expense of The
Guest at the maximum legal rate allowed by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia.
Fourth paragraph. The Hotel rejects any form of discrimination, distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based
on gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, political opinion or for any other reason or condition that has
the purpose or has the effect of deteriorating , restrict or limit the full enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms.
Hotel space that is not provided for this constitutes a serious breach of the contract, therefore, it will lead to the
termination of the contract and the Guest may be removed from the Hotel if it has affected other guests, visitors or
users. If the Guest smokes in the room, they must recognize and assume (i) the cost that the Hotel must incur to
deodorize and clean the room, which is estimated in the sum of Half the current legal monthly minimum wage. and
(ii) the value of two (02) nights at the rate corresponding to your accommodation, since the cleaning and deodorization
process implies that the Hotel cannot use the room. If you smoke in any area of the hotel that is not provided for,
you must pay the cost that The Hotel must incur to deodorize and clean the area in which you have smoked, which
is equivalent to Half the current legal monthly minimum wage.
Fourth clause – duration. The start date of this contract will be the day of purchase; and, as completion, the one in
which the output has been established
Fifth paragraph. The Guest accepts that the liquid sum stated on the invoice will provide executive merit, without the
need for any prior requirement.
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Second paragraph. The Hotel is not responsible in case of loss, theft, damage, collisions or traffic accidents caused,
inside and/or outside, to motor vehicles and motorcycles that are parked in the parking lot provided by The Hotel for
this purpose.
Clause six – obligations of the Hotel. The obligations of the Hotel are those stated below:
2. Attend, receive, process and respond to questions, complaints, claims and/or suggestions presented by the
Guest, under the terms of the Consumer Statute.
4. Issue to the Guest the corresponding receipts for the provision of services and the receipt of money and/or
other valid means of payment. 5. Treat the Guest 's personal data confidentially. The terms
and conditions of the processing of personal data can be consulted on the Hotel 's website
First paragraph. Valuable objects such as jewelry, electronic devices (cell phones, computers, cameras, among
others), money that remain in the room and/or service areas other than those that the Hotel has for deposit, that is,
the official designated for their storage. guards or safes provided in the rooms will be under the sole risk of the Guest
and, in this case, the Hotel assumes no responsibility in the event of loss, theft or deterioration.
1. Provide the service offered and which is the object of this Contract, under the conditions of quality and
suitability offered and those legally required.
Fifth clause - custody of money, valuables and motor vehicles. Guests may deliver, upon receipt from The
Hotel, money and valuables for safekeeping. For this purpose, the delivery must be made to the official designated
by The Hotel, creating a record and/or record detailing the money and/or objects delivered. The responsibility of the
Hotel will be that of the depositary.
of the Guest with peace and security of payment of all the services provided and the obligations
that have been generated under his/her responsibility.
6. Inform the Guest that sexual exploitation and abuse of minors in the country are criminally and administratively
sanctioned, in accordance with current laws.
7. The others that by ministry of Law are applicable
Clause seven – obligations of the Guest. They are obligations of the Guest
those set out below, without prejudice to all those that due to the nature of the contract are enforceable
1. Identify yourself to register at the Hotel with a suitable identification document, presenting your citizenship
card – if you are Colombian – or passport and/or relevant document – if you are a foreigner. For
3. Not intervene in the legitimate use that the Guest makes of the room, unless it involves cleaning and daily
arrangement in general, or urgent and necessary repairs to guarantee the rights of the Guest.
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4. The Guest acknowledges and accepts that the invoice issued on the occasion of the provision of the services
offered by The Hotel constitutes merit
executive and no prior communication is required for the constitution in default.
5. Maintain appropriate conduct that does not under any circumstances threaten the life, dignity and integrity of
other guests, neighbors and collaborators of the Hotel. This duty of conduct extends to the property found
inside the Hotel and surrounding areas. In the event that the Guest causes any damage to the Hotel's
property, surrounding areas and/or third parties, the Guest will be solely responsible for all of the damages.
6. Register all companions or guests at the Hotel reception, and pay the corresponding fee or value for each of
3. Cancel, in the agreed and timely manner, the value of the accommodation, additional services and the
corresponding taxes
The Guest will provide a valid email to send the electronic invoice
2. Find out about the characteristics of the services offered, as well as the terms indicated in the liability clause,
which are an integral part of this contract.
Minors must present a valid document and be accompanied by their legal representative or an adult
authorized to exercise their representation.
7. Maintain the number of people authorized to enter the room.
In the event that the Guest brings in someone additional to the previously informed companions, they must
immediately notify the Hotel, with whom they will manage the additional price for the occupants, as long
as The Hotel consents to it. The foregoing, without prejudice to the Hotel 's right to terminate the contract
due to non-compliance, immediately and without return of any sum of money. The Guest may not hold
parties or meetings in their room, and it is expressly prohibited to use external sound systems in the rooms
and other areas of the Hotel.
8. The Guest acknowledges that the practice of sports, physical exercise, use of instruments or tools and, in
general, any activity that represents a risk or may be considered dangerous, will be his/her decision, under
his/her exclusive responsibility and implies that the Guest has the skills and knowledge that allow you to
assume such risks, exonerating The Hotel and its officers or employees from any responsibility in the event
that you suffer any damage or injury.
9. Use the belongings, equipment and, in general, all the accessories available in the Hotel appropriately,
keeping them in the state in which they are found. The Guest must deliver the room in the same conditions
in which it was delivered, and will be responsible for any damages and breakdowns suffered by the Hotel's
property and which are generated due to the Guest 's negligence and lack of care. for them. The Guest
will pay the value of the goods that have been damaged in whole or in part, and no cross-checking of
accounts will be made. In such case, by signing this document the Guest authorizes, expressly and
irrevocably, the Hotel to charge the respective costs or expenses to their credit card.
damages caused, both material and moral
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13.Do not carry out works or repairs in the Hotel facilities, as these are the exclusive responsibility of The
Hotel. In the event that the Guest observes any deterioration or breakdown, they must notify The Hotel
immediately so that it can intervene as soon as possible.
3. The Contract may terminate, in advance, due to the failure of the Guest to comply with any of its obligations
such as payment for the services provided, the others stipulated here and the others contemplated in the
room cleaning.
2. By mutual agreement between the parties
12.Allow Hotel employees access for routine work and
1. Due to expiration of the agreed term
11.The Guest will be the sole and exclusive responsible for canceling any fines that may be imposed by the
administrative authorities when coexistence rules, the Police Code, among others, are violated. In this
way, the Hotel does not assume any responsibility and is completely exonerated in these circumstances.
Clause eight – termination of the contract. The hosting contract will end in the following events:
This right will be exercised in a reasonable manner and includes the power to enter or search the room
when in the opinion of The Hotel it is necessary.
15.It is the responsibility of the Guest to inform themselves about the environmental conditions of the place
where the Hotel is located, so they must take all the necessary measures that are useful to take care of
their health and integrity, and that of the people staying there. find in their charge.
17.The Guest will refrain from smoking in the facilities and/or consuming any type of substances, psychoactive,
hallucinogenic, narcotic and/or enervating drugs in the Hotel, be they common areas or their room, in case
of contempt, they authorize in advance that The Hotel applies a fine as a penalty; if the behavior persists,
the Guest must pay the amount of the invoice at their expense and the lodging contract will be terminated.
First paragraph. In all events in which the termination of the contract occurs due to non-compliance by the
Guest, the Hotel may demand payment
10.Allow The Hotel the right to inspect and/or monitor the room.
16.Sex tourism of minors and the practice of activities within The Hotel that are directly or indirectly related to
said crime are prohibited.
14.This Contract is not subject to assignment by the Guest.
5. For conduct displayed by The Guest that threatens the life, safety, integrity of the Guest or of third parties,
and that generates potential damage or harm to people and property of The Hotel and/or third parties.
The Guest is prohibited from carrying out repairs directly or contracting said repairs with third parties,
under penalty of assuming the damages caused. Under no circumstances will The Hotel reimburse repairs
made by The Guest.
4. Due to consumption of psychoactive, hallucinogenic, narcotic and/or intoxicating drugs within the Hotel
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Clause nine – effects of termination. Upon termination of the contract, the Hotel will be
able to freely dispose of the room; and, regardless of the cause, the Hotel is authorized to
enter the room, prepare and sign an inventory of the guest's belongings and luggage and
remove them from the room to leave them in a safe and adequate deposit, without
responsibility of the Hotel and at its expense. and Guest risk .
First paragraph. If the Guest will not pay the bill or part of it, the Hotel
Clause ten – destination and use of the property. The Hotel rents the room exclusively as
tourist accommodation, and the use of the property for other purposes is prohibited.
Additionally, the use of the room for the development of activities related to drug trafficking,
money laundering, illicit businesses and other illegal activities is prohibited.
Fourth paragraph. The Guest will not be able to bring people into their room for sexual
tourism and whoever does so will incur the administrative and criminal sanctions enshrined in
the Law.
Third paragraph. Termination of the Contract does not exonerate or release the Guest
from payment of outstanding balances.
may dispose of and sell the effects, objects and luggage of the Guest and his companions in
the terms of article 1199 of the Commercial Code and other regulations that add, replace,
modify or repeal, to cover the pending obligations with its product. The surplus, if any, will be
made available to the Guest. In case of deficit, The Hotel may initiate the corresponding
actions to obtain full payment of the amount owed.
Second paragraph. Once the Contract is terminated, the Hotel will be able to freely
dispose of the room.
total of the services provided and will not return any money that has been previously
paid for accommodation or any other concept.
Second paragraph. The Hotel reserves the right to admit the entry of additional guests or
companions at its sole discretion.
Third paragraph. Relationship with the minor(s) must be demonstrated, by any suitable means
of proof, when he/she(they) use the same room assigned to the Guest. All minors must stay
in the company of their parents and carry their respective identification documents. If they are
not accompanied by their parents, it may be carried out by the adult responsible for the minor,
duly authorized by one of their parents. The authorization must be in writing, signed and
notarized by one of the parents, indicating who is caring for the minor(s).
First paragraph. The Guest knows and accepts the commercial and security policies established by The Hotel for
the entry of visitors and guests. The Guest knows and accepts that the entry of additional people or guests generates
and causes the collection of lodging fees for said people who were not included in the reservation.
Clause eleven – divisibility of clauses. In the event that any of the clauses contained in this
contract are declared ineffective or invalid,
Fifth paragraph. The Guest and his/her companions may not consume psychoactive, hallucinogenic, narcotic and/
or intoxicating drugs within the Hotel facilities.
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2. Risk of the activity. I know, assume and accept all risks associated with the use of the Hotel's services or
equipment, but not limited to falls, accidents, illnesses or even injuries or deaths, generated -- among other
reasons -- by my medical or clinical history, due to contact with other users, dehydration, the consequences of
the weather, such as temperature and/or humidity, vehicular traffic and, in general, any risk that I declare known
and assessed by me, given that the activities will be under my control. and exclusive execution as responsible
3. Physical condition and ability. I am in perfect physical, mental and health condition, and I do not suffer from any
illness, injury and/or disability and/or condition that disqualifies me from using the services of the Hotel. I am
fully aware that, if on the date of using the Hotel services (hot springs, spa, sauna, Turkish, swimming pool) I
present any of the following conditions, I will not be able to use them: states of pregnancy, state of drunkenness ,
under the effect of psychoactive substances, heart diseases, respiratory, muscular, bone diseases, use of
crutches, casts and/or prostheses and all those conditions that disable my use of the equipment.
5. Knowledge, acceptance and indemnity. Having read this statement, knowing these facts and considering that I
accept them by using the services of the Hotel; Acting on my own behalf and/or on behalf and/or on behalf of
my minor children and/or dependent minors, I release and hold The Hotel harmless and desist from all
administrative and/or judicial actions, exonerating from all liability. to the Hotel, its owners, its administrators,
operators, workers and other natural or legal persons linked to it, its representatives and successors, from all
claims and/or liabilities of any kind that arise due to the use of the Hotel's services or of the people in my charge
1. Voluntary participation. The undersigned user (Guest) of the Hotel declares that with my signature on the Hotel
entry registration form I have received, read, understood and accepted the regulations, procedures and
information on conditions of use of the facilities, services, products, amenities, annexes. and other hotel
4. Prudence and responsibility. I undertake to adopt the measures that prudence advises to avoid damage to myself
or others to people and property derived from my use of the Hotel's services.
Clause twelfth – declaration of contractual and extra-contractual civil liability “user commitment letter”.
It will be excluded from the contract without the others being affected and, therefore, compliance with the contract
will be maintained on the same terms except with regard to the clause declared as such.
during the loan period, committing to its care and surveillance during the entire period of said period. The Guest
declares that he has received the equipment in perfect working order and operability, with its complete
components, parts and accessories. The Guest is expressly prohibited from lending, renting or assigning the
equipment to third parties.
7. Absence of responsibility of the Hotel. The Guest must comply with the minimum and mandatory individual safety
standards, warning:
6. Custody and care. The equipment will remain under the responsibility of the Guest.
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7.3.The Hotel is not responsible for objects, belongings and/or belongings
of users in the Hotel facilities, as well as luggage and other belongings of the Guest, which must
be under strict care and permanent surveillance of each of the Guests.
Clause thirteenth – commitment to the environment.
and after this, as well as in the event of the death of the Guest; The Hotel is not responsible for
funeral expenses or transfers or any other expenses.
Clause eleventh. In accordance with the provisions of Law 17 of 1981 and other regulations that add, replace,
repeal or modify it, all forms of commercialization and trafficking of flora and fauna, as well as the illicit trafficking
of goods, are combated. The Hotel promotes compliance with resolution 572 of 2005 and other regulations that
add, replace, repeal or modify it regarding the conservation of flora and fauna, as well as the conservation of
cultural heritage and assets of cultural interest and contributes and promotes compliance with Law 397 of 1997
and other regulations that add, replace, repeal or modify it.
7.2.The Hotel is not responsible for medication expenses, medical, hospital, surgical fees, medical and/
or work disabilities, nor for compensation and damages due to accidents, falls, blows, injuries
suffered by the Guest due to the use of equipment and/or services
7.1.The Hotel is not responsible for accidents, falls, blows, injuries or deaths that occur during the use of
the equipment and/or services or for subsequent events as a result of stunts, incidents and activities
that irresponsibly carried out by the guest, given that the use of the equipment and/or services
requires a certain level of care and physical demands, therefore, the Hotel is not responsible for
any eventuality since the information on the rules of use of the Equipment and /or services within
the Hotel were previously communicated, known and accepted by the Guest.
2. The parties must promote respect for natural resources and human communities, not only in the area visited, but
in any other natural space.
3. The parties must protect the fauna and flora. The Guest understands that the extraction or damage of wild
plants or animals inside or outside the Hotel, the commercialization and/or damage of plants or animals, the
introduction of species of fauna and flora, and feeding animals is prohibited.
1. The Guest must ensure compliance with current provisions on environmental matters and the conservation of
natural resources, avoiding any activity of their own and/or their dependents that causes deterioration to the
environment. For its part, The Hotel must promote the conservation of natural areas effectively, which implies
the preservation of biodiversity, in a way that helps its sustainability and ecological integrity.
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8. The parties must protect the water resource to the maximum within the
9.5. Make any kind of burning/fire in the Hotel or its surroundings
7. The Guest must enjoy the ecotourism activities in the infrastructure and spaces provided for the purpose.
9.4.Falling, undermining, thinning
6. The Guest must deposit all types of waste only in the places expressly provided for it.
9.3.The dumping, introduction, distribution, use or abandonment of toxic or polluting substances that may disturb
ecosystems or cause damage to them.
9.2.The use of drones on property owned by the Hotel
Clause fifteenth – declaration of origin of funds. In accordance with the Law, as well as applicable international
standards, I allow myself to make the following declarations regarding the source and origin of funds and legal
activities: (i) I declare that my assets and resources come from legal activities, from
9.9. Produce noise in proportions that affect the natural environment, that is, use particular or privately owned
sound systems in the common areas and internally in the rooms that alter the calm of the common and
private facilities of the Hotel.
9.1.Smoking in rooms or areas of the Hotel not provided for it
5. The Guest must respect the landscape elements of the hotel and its
facilities The possession, consumption and/trafficking of narcotics and substances 9.10. psychoactive in the
owned by the Hotel. If this situation is verified by the Guest and/or their companions, the Hotel may
terminate the contract and apply the applicable charges; The guest and other people who are with him must
immediately leave the facilities.
The Guest will be fully responsible for any and all damage, deterioration, harm and loss caused to natural
resources and the environment.
4. The Guest must use products that do not contain environmental contraindications and limit as much as possible
the use of disposable, non-recyclable or non-biodegradable products.
Clause fourteenth - prohibitions. Among others and not exclusively, the following behaviors are prohibited:
9.7.Causing damage to the constituent values of the area 9.8.Throwing
or depositing garbage, waste or residue in unauthorized places
9. The Guest must hold the Hotel harmless and indemnify it for expenses, fees, interest payments, fines or other
judicial or administrative sanctions in relation to the investigation or defense in a litigation or other judicial or
administrative legal procedure initiated against the Hotel, arising from acts or omissions on the part of the Guest
or persons under his/her charge, related to any type of damage caused to the environment.
for this or incinerate them.
Hotel facilities , as well as those around it
9.6.Carry out excavations and felling of any kind
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Clause sixteenth – authorization use of data and information. By signing this document, The Guest
expressly authorizes the company Hotel Termales El Autumn SCA to collect and use the information and
personal data provided by The Guest, and by the persons under his/her charge, on the accommodation
registration card, such as name , address, identification, nationality, date of birth, email address, telephone
number, personal preferences and interests, work or activity, in accordance with the secure information
processing policies established by the Hotel itself, and by law in force, with the purpose of carrying out
loyalty activities and contacting the owner of the information to send service surveys after each stay that
allow the rating of the service provided, and communicate the invitations, offers, promotions, portfolio of
services or general information that This is aimed at continuing to use the Hotel and offering the corresponding
services. The Guest authorizes the information to be transferred, transmitted, shared and provided to the
company Termales El Abierto SCA, exclusively for the purposes described previously. BUT ( )
The Guest adheres to all the contractual stipulations of the lodging contract and that appear on the website
Termales el Autumn | Hotel with hot springs in Manizales (termaleselotono.com). Likewise, you declare that
you are aware of all the detailed contractual stipulations and The Hotel may vary and/or modify the
for any of the above aspects; (vi) I authorize the termination of any agreement, benefit, subsidy, business or
contract entered into at The Hotel or any of its chapters in the event of violation of any of the numerals
contained in this document, exempting the entity from all liability arising from information erroneous, false or
inaccurate information that has been provided in this document, or the violation thereof.
compliance with the legal system; (ii) That I will not allow third parties to make deposits in my and/or our
accounts with funds from illicit activities contemplated in the Penal Code or in any other regulation that adds,
modifies, repeals or replaces it, nor will I carry out transactions intended for such activities. or in favor of
people related to them; (iii) That all the activities and income I receive come from legal activities; (iv) That I
am not on any international reporting list or blocked for drug trafficking activities, financing of terrorism,
corruption, money laundering or national and transnational crimes for any of the above aspects; (v) That no
proceedings are being carried out against me in national or supranational instances
First paragraph. The Guest, in his or her capacity as owner of the personal data, will enjoy all the rights
provided for in the Law for the matter and, expressly, those described in article 8 of Law 1581 of 2012 and
other regulations that modify, add, or repeal it. or replace, in particular, you will have the right at all times to
know, access, update and rectify your personal data, revoke the authorization granted or request the deletion
of information when appropriate. The information processing policies can be consulted on the Termales el
Autumn website | Hotel with hot springs in Manizales (termaleselotono.com) or at the hotel reception.
The company Hotel Termales El Autumn SCA, as responsible for data processing, can be contacted at the
telephone number +57 (606) 874 0280 or at the email address info@termaleselotono.com
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This contract will be sent to the guest's email and by sending it it is understood that the guest has accepted the
conditions established above.
version of the conditions of the hosting contract at any time. It is the Guest 's obligation to ensure that they verify the
full and current conditions on the website.
Under the seriousness of oath, I declare that the data contained herein corresponds to reality, therefore, I declare
that I have read, understood and accepted this document.
The CC Guest
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Termales El Otoño:
Reservations: +57 601 5875220 reservas.ash@avianethoteles.com WhatsApp: +57 (321) 658 2577
Acquaparque: infoacqua@termaleselotono.com WhatsApp: +57 (314) 221 4678
ecotermales@termaleselotono.com WhatsApp: +57 (313) 438 655
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